Mold, construction, and other hard things

There have been some hard things in the first two weeks of life here in South Africa. Surprise, I know.

Mold in our apartment. Not being able to sleep well. Back pain from a less than ideal mattress situation. Joel being really busy while I don’t have much to do (my school doesn’t start for another 2 weeks). Loud construction going on all sides of our apartment. Not being able to go out walking by myself (something I do every single day in the States) because it’s too dangerous.

Nothing major, but boy does it feel major sometimes! You would think I’d take it in stride – we are on a mission from God – it’s not going to be easy! Not so. It’s crazy how quickly I forget the goal and lose focus of why we’re here. I wake up and want to go for a walk in the beautiful sun, but can’t. I get back to our apartment and am flooded by the musty, moldy smell – ugh! Joel has meetings most of the day and I get lonely and anxious. So many distractions from the goal!

“I press on toward the GOAL to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” The goal is God’s glory being known all over the earth! As soon as I’m reminded of that (thank you Lisa Chan, Two People With One Mission) – I go, OH YEAH! There’s a bigger picture here. It doesn’t make things easier, but it makes the hard things worthwhile and it gives purpose to the struggle.

It helps me be excited when Joel gets home, rather than resentful. It helps me enjoy the times I can go on walks (with Joel). It helps me be at peace when the construction outside the window is barging into my brain (as we speak). It helps me appreciate baking soda and vinegar and an apartment that will eventually smell good.

This is all part of it friends. We press on.

I feel like this needs some triumphant closing music. 🙂

One thought on “Mold, construction, and other hard things

  1. All that is very challenging. Two things right off: If you are in a furnished apartment, I’d ask the landlord to replace the mattress. To continue to sleep on the present one will only continue to torture your back. When we went to Kansas,they had a showcase mattress in the apartment. It was never intended to be slept on. The same for the mold. The landlord needs to take care of this immediately. Maybe you can make a friend with whom you could walk. I had no idea that where you are is so unsafe. Love, Poppa Chuck


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